- A1100 Folweni Township, Isipingo, 4110
- Contact: Rose Dlamini
- 031 900 3454
- folwenicrc@telkomsa.net
Monitoring site
The Folweni Community Resource Centre works to improve the quality of live of the Folweni community and the surrounding areas.
To promote its initiatives, Folweni CRC works closely with government departments, community groups, non-governmental organizations, churches, small entrepreneurs and the corporate sector.

Folweni CRC's activities focus especially on the community's children, youth and women.
1 June 2015 - 31 July 2015
View results
Health - Citizen
Folweni Clinic
Key Challenges Identified
- Election of new active Clinic Committee
- Hours of operation 24 hours to be adhered to.
- Dispensing Medication to run smoothly
- Uninterrupted patient service - staggered staff breaks not to interfere with patient services
- Building improvements: enclose waiting area & renovation of the rest of the building.
1 June 2014 - 31 July 2014
View results
Health - Citizen
Folweni Clinic
Key Challenges Identified
- Lack of knowledge by the community on the existence of the Clinic Committees (CC) and its role
- Lack of communication between facility and community regarding challenge.
- How to lay a complaint, besides Suggestion Box
- Patients did not get the medication they needed.
- Delay of Ambulance services for emergencies
- Inadequate Clinic Equipment
- Beneficiaries treated disrespectfully by administrative staff.
- Long waiting time.
Follow Up on 6 October 2015
Clinic Committee: Caregivers explained the role of the committee to clients. But the committee is still inactive and not fulfilling its function.
Communication: No progress made.
Medication: Stock-outs persist.
Ambulance service: Problem persists. Priority is given to emergency cases.
Equipment: Scale was provided. Need to find out from patients which other equipment was not available.
Complaints: The service users still need more guidance. Help desk to be more active in this regard as well as the Clinic Committee.
Administrative staff: Attitudes have improved, but this needs ongoing monitoring.
Waiting time: Reduced & queue management clearly evident.