- C/O New & Dercksen, Dept Soc Services Room 126 Paarl, 7646
- Contact: Angie Le Cordeur
- 021 871 1682
- josephinelakey.jl89@gmail.com
Monitoring site
The Paarl Paralegal Advice Office was established in 1986. There are four women working in this office who made their mark in Parliament. They render services to the community of Paarl, Wellington and as far as Saron and surrounding areas. Their services include farm evictions, HIV/Aids, domestic violence, counselling, farm workers workshops, divorces, legal affairs, etc. They also assist schools who are in need of shoes for the children and parents.
1 October 2016 - 30 November 2016
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SASSA Service Office - Citizen
SASSA Service Office: Paarl
1 June 2015 - 31 July 2015
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SASSA Service Office - Citizen
SASSA Service Office: Paarl
Key Challenges Identified
- Regulation 11 – public education to raise community awareness
- Grant deductions – beneficiary education on recourse mechanism & monitoring implementation effectiveness thereof – ensuring that beneficiaries get their money back
- Food parcels – access to information, distribution of SASSA / DSD pamphlet
- Communicate with SASSA unhappiness with services provided by CPS
1 June 2014 - 31 July 2014
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SASSA Service Office - Citizen
SASSA Service Office: Paarl
Key Challenges Identified
- Unlawful debit deductions must stop. SASSA must have workshops with the community.
- Community outreach advising people not to take loans or policies they do not want.
- Staff to wear name tags and uniforms.
Follow Up on 20 October 2015
Bukiwe, the coordinator of Paarl AO, serves on MTT dealing with grant deductions. She has been forwarding cases to Black Sash.
The Paarl AO has also been advising beneficiaries on how to register unlawful grant deductions using the recourse mechanism.
The local SASSA office is dependent on solutions to the deductions from the national office.